Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ummah Films

If there was ever a "Man's Religion", it was Islam.

I still remember the 5 Pillars of Islam from a course I took many, many years ago in a junior college. I happened to have run into several Muslims since that time and have never come across anything resembling the negative stereotype portrayed by popular US media. I'm sure I risk some form or "Carnivore" or "Matrix" style meta-searching for saying this, but despite the fanatacism of the average Muslim I've known, not a SINGLE ONE has advocated any violence against any living creature in ANY way.

So recently I discovered Ummah Films.

First off, I am not Muslim. In fact, I am what is humorously known as a "Recovering Catholic." Despite having excelled in my courses in private school, I have always wondered "who was right?" when it came to faith and, more loosely, religion. While I am still leagues away from any formal understanding of some of the world's most popular faiths, I have a more tolerant view of Islam than your average American.

Ummah Films just happened to drop into my lap as part of the diversity I experience at Rackspace every day. I am a firm believer in "keeping an open mind", and while this is an easy phrase to type it is an infinitely impossible mindset to keep. Just try it. Try to overcome your stereotypes when you walk through an urban area packed with homeless people. Or when you see that average teen with bleach-blonde mohawk and

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