Monday, July 14, 2008

Keep me on your No Fly List...

Hello Yusuf!

I have met some interesting folks during my tenure at Rackspace, but Yusuf stands out. A young man born in Saudi Arabia, he is the first Muslim I have run across in my personal life that represents everything I've THOUGHT a Muslim should be - honorable, faithful, and personable. This is in stark contrast to everything the average American has been taught to believe about Muslims - the dark, scary "threat" to their freedoms after 9/11/2001.

Honestly, you guys need to get out more.

I've already known that an overwhelming percentage of the world's population is Muslim - from Asian to Indian to German to American. About the only people threatened by this are the average Christians, who I must say are just about as paranoid as the average American when it comes to understanding World Religion.

I'm sure Yusuf was suprised that I remembered the 5 Pillars of Islam from my research. Or the significance that he was born in Saudi Arabia. But what he did NOT count on is my immutable ability to upset the status quo. That's right - I don't sit well with the "don't rock the boat" crowd. This is why my blog is entitled "Keep me on your No Fly list", because after posting my recent picture, I will probably not get through TSA checklists very easily. No problem. I will deal with it when it comes.

Yusuf helps contribute to a pretty cool "modern" Muslim video-blogging website that has some interesting things to say about life as a Muslim (especially in America!), and while I remain a Recovering-Catholic, I can honestly say I'm one step closer to understanding why Islam is such a convincing religion. I used to joke that it was a "man's religion", considering how it REQUIRES the growth of facial hair in men...

I once again profess that the hardest thing to do in life is remain flexible. Yes. REMAIN FLEXIBLE. Whether that means you are a young Muslim adapting to culture at "The Rack" by eating a tasty hamburger at Chester's Hamburger's or a apparently-white-skinned Mexican seeing faith in action by one of your coworkers, that is something you have to contend with.

Now, if we could just all get along outside this whole "oil" thing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every time you write about Rackspace/The Rack - I don't think of a web hosting business.

P.S. Hi Yusuf. Best wishes to you, from the bottom of the world!