Monday, July 6, 2009

Tiny hand cast

At the follow-up appointment, I was kinda nervous about how they would react to the fact that I no longer had the cast on...

When I went back for the X-ray, the technician (who happens to be a big road biker and former triathlete until a car accident maimed him) said,

"hey - what happened to your cast?"

me: "I got sea water in it. It got so bad I had it removed."


me: "Bet you've heard that before."

"No I haven't. Not this week at least. But it's just Monday."

So apparently I'm not the only patient to have a cast removed before follow-up. This was further reinforced by the Surgeon who walked in as I was unwrapping my split and asked the same question. I gave him the same answer. To which he replied, "I never really expected you to stay in it anyway!"


I guess they've seen their fair share of crazy patients.

Anyhow, I like my new hand cast WAY better than the short arm cast:

Gonna take my first comfortable nap in 4 weeks now...


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