Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Go ahead... Drink the Kool Aid

For my one or two fans out there (not counting perverted lurkers), I must finally admit what I'm up to.

I'm at Rackspace, San Antonio.

Yes, I finally "drank the Kool Aid" and decided to work for a company that gave a crap about their employees. This despite having pulled off 12 years with the State of Texas doing IT systems administration in VERY unfriendly environments.

I'm not going to get sappy, but it is alot like waking from a bad dream. Yes, it is still work, and yes at the end of the day we still have to remain profitable and make a buck, but the culture was what drew me in. And boy, is there culture.

Culture like you wouldn't believe. Almost analogous to being back in high school.

I think I creep most of my teammates out due to my neutral and slightly unfazed personality (this is a byproduct of having worked for over a decade in IT). I am having fun though, just keeping in mind that there are many discoveries yet to be made. Can't tell who all the good guys and bad guys (and gals) are yet, but that's not too important to me as long as I can pull off an awesome job at the end of each day.

Let me say this though: I have absolutely no pity for anyone who whines about their current job, health-issues notwithstanding. Having now experienced the extreme lows that life can dole out, including riding a bicycle to a particularly demeaning part time job for 3 months while making mortgage and car payments has steeled my resolve to get the job done and draw upon myself to pull through anything... NO compassion for whiners that think their job is "hard". You have a long road to travel before you discover yourself.

No, I'm doing well right now and have the wisdom of 37 years on this planet to back up my resolve. Hopefully, I will pull things off in a stellar manner and manage to actually live my life in the margins...

For now, consider me content.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you, H. I really am. I know how miserable you were at 'that other place' - even though you put on a happy face every day and made sure you did everything that was expected of you. It's good to know that you're with real people now - normal people who care about you and appreciate you, and let you know that they do. It must be a great feeling to wake up in the mornings, and think of the day ahead in a positive way, as you eat your breakfast banana. :)

Good for you. I hope the contentedness never ends.

San Antonio Lament said...

kind words... like fuel for the fire.