Friday, April 11, 2008

Imparting a spin

I can't help but notice that while periodically (no pun intended) reading the Business section of my local newspaper how overwhelmingly glum each newspiece is.

Typically, each story has something to do with mediocre profits generated last quarter by XYZ Inc., or how someone revealed rampant corruption in a local government institution years after leaving the place, or how real estate is languishing despite being "a good place for small businesses."


My goal is to comb through these stories and pick out something that will hold my interest for the 15 minutes it takes to eat lunch, then reflect on how shitty things have become in this town. Of course, this is from the narrow perspective of an employed government worker, so things are probably better than the way I see them.

Or worse.

I remarked to a friend on the phone the other day that I was getting worried I'd be "too old" to fight off the post-apocalyptic zombies when the shit finally hit the fan. To my surprise, he laughed out loud and agreed that he'd been worried about the same thing - working out every day gets tiring after 40. I'm not sure I could hold my own against a mass of shambling zombies, but I figure my chances are better in that scenario than constantly trying to hold the line against overwhelming ennui and stress just facing an endless chasm of underpaying and underwhelming job responsibility.

Does that make any sense?

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