Thursday, April 3, 2008

a humid April churns...

i find it odd that i cannot remember whether last year at this time was so humid or whether the sun shone or it rained like hell or what. this despite a well-documented and fairly predictable range of weather for the geographical area.

today was dominated by spurty CNBC broadcasts as well as CNN "i want to be like FARK" news network.

is it really news anymore?

between the random blonde-child gets kidnapped and 'what if' headlines (as in 'what if MLK was still alive? OMG ZLOL!) that change every 30 minutes, is it any wonder the general public doesn't care about the web-updates from various traditional news sources? you'd be better off RSS'ing and sorting the bullshit from the bullets yourself.

on CSPAN right now is a congressional panel hearing on why Southwest Airlines trudged along with sloppy maintenance of their aluminum busses for so long before being caught and exposed. this is why i don't care to fly anywhere - given enough time and apathy, something will go wrong with a cherished institution, even though appearances may be kept up and assurances remain strong that all is well...

the dewpoint of the social consciousness is thick.

rain already.

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