Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Me + Flip Mino + Kona Mt. Bike + Leon Creek + Vimeo

Me + Flip Mino + Kona Mt. Bike + Leon Creek + Vimeo = montage at the speed of barf.

If you are susceptible to dizziness or vertigo, fast-forward to the last 30 seconds where I show the actual camera mount.

Trial run of Flip Mino at OP Schnabel Park in San Antonio, Texas from hjv on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Skye said...

That was awesome - the actual ride, and the putting together of the movie. Great music too. The bush looked very similar to ours - minus the odd pouched hoppy thing that can get in the way sometimes. Thanks for sharing that. It's always great to hear about your adventures. Now we get to see them too!