Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Considering hitting the trails soon...

Death has been stalking me.

An unknown illness has recently slammed most of us at work face-first into the concrete of reality. Hardest part is not knowing whether it is a rampant form of allergic response to junk in the air during one of the worst droughts in Central Texas (detail junkies may search TCEQ monitoring stations for correlated data) or some rogue Flu strain that has been resistant to vaccinations from late 2008. Either way, I am uber-cautious to head into the dirt trails that surround me for fear of relapsing into what tore me to pieces twice in 36 days from December to February of 2009...

There is a palpable sense of fear out there - Something I haven't felt since the early 1990's when tanks stormed the Kremlin in a desperate bid to oust the old Communist Party hardliners who had taken the building with Kalashnikov's and vodka...

Of course, that all failed and time marched on.

Hope to reclaim my stake across the NW bike trails of San Antonio, once this lingering "Flappamucosis" dissipates...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't succumb, and that you're out there happily and healthily blazing the trails.

Take care of yourself, H.